Today is September 10, 2024 -

Raise the Roof Campaign



In 1997, Congregation Kol Haverim dedicated its new Sanctuary, Social Hall, and Office Space, following
a very successful Capital Campaign that raised close to $1 million. The construction included an asphalt
shingle roof over the sanctuary/social hall/rabbi’s office and a flat roof over the offices/hallway/kitchen.
Now, in 2023, 26 years later, the roof of that structure was approaching the end of its expected life. We
had intended to run a capital campaign, kicked off by the Dueling Pianos fundraiser, prior to replacing
the roof, but Mother Nature unfortunately made the need for a new roof considerably more urgent
than expected.

As everyone who entered or viewed the building during the heavy rains on Yom Kippur could see, the
time for that replacement had come. We could not wait until we had raised the money, so we
contracted with local company Morrisey Roofing who completed roof replacement in October.
Inspections completed after the roof replacement identified problems with the Heating System, which
also required significant parts replacement at significant expense.
We paid for the repairs from our Building Fund Reserve, and by borrowing money from other dedicated
funds (borrowing from ourselves). However, we need to replenish the Building Reserve Fund for future
needs, and repay the other funds so that they are available for their intended use.

OUR GOAL is to raise $125,000 which will be used to replenish the Building Reserve Fund, and repay the
money that we “borrowed” from our other dedicated funds.

$7500 profit from Dueling Pianos Fundraiser in November.
$10,000 pledged by Sisterhood.
$10,000 pledged by members before December 1.

If the roof of your home leaks, you dig deep to find the money to repair or replace it. Shouldn’t you do
the same with the roof of your spiritual home in your Jewish Community? We need your support to fix
this vital part of our building, a physical and spiritual home for so many of us in Glastonbury and both
sides of the Connecticut River.
We call on members who contributed to the Capital Campaign for the original roof almost 30 years ago
to make a significant contribution to maintain that original investment.
We call on members who understand the significance of having an intact and solid physical plant to host
the many religious, educational, social, and social action activities of our congregation to make a
significant contribution to keep our building strong and healthy.

We expect to have some matching challenge grants so that your contribution, small or large, can be
multiplied! Please join us in this critical campaign to support the physical infrastructure of our Kol
Haverim community so that we can continue to call our building a place of safety, warmth,
inclusiveness, and spiritual fulfillment. While the physical structure doesn’t alone define us, the building
does give us a clear presence in the community as a place to gather and celebrate/remember critical life
moments and milestones in our lives.

If you would consider being part of the base strength of this campaign, please contact Nate Zaientz, our
Treasurer (, Michael Mandell, Executive Vice President, (vice-, or Nate Rickles, VP Education ( to step