Today is February 14, 2025 -
Kol Haverim is a place where our community comes together to share our lives and to strive to make this world a better place. We come here to learn, pray, celebrate and support each other with love and kindness. Our ongoing mission is to create a vibrant, sacred congregation where each individual can feel at home and contribute his or her Jewish perspectives and personal talents to inspire us all.
Join a diverse congregation guided by sacred purpose and passionate about community involvement.
The KH Singers invites singers (age 13 and up) to be a part of “The Voices of Friendship,” in a friendly, welcoming environment with fellow congregants who love to sing!
Order your 2025 Mah Jong Cards through Sisterhood. Use this form to order by January 21, 2025.
Donations benefit the Glastonbury Food Pantry. Please bring canned goods and paper products to the synagogue or the Glastonbury Community Center.
Support Kol Haverim at no additional cost to you by purchasing grocery and a wide variety of other gift cards! Buy online and pick up in the temple office.
Meaningful celebrations for all your Jewish moments. Find comfort in times of need and rejoice in times of happiness.
Celebrate the cycle of holidays and festivals with engaging worship and special traditions that enhance the meaning of the occasion.