Today is January 22, 2025 -

Congregational Ethics Code

Congregation Kol Haverim (“CKH”) is a Reform Jewish community that exists in the context of the Jewish people’s covenantal relationship with God. Ours is a vibrant, multi-generational congregation, guided by tradition, grounded in the modern world, and infused with the sacred values of our faith.

CKH is an inclusive congregation that demonstrates respect for the needs of all. Through worship, learning, and a concern for social justice, we strive to better ourselves, our community, and the world at large.

Our Jewish values embody the teaching that every human being is created in the image of God (b’tzelem Elohim). We therefore strive to hold ourselves to the highest standards of personal integrity, social responsibility, and human decency. When we behave ethically and hold ourselves accountable, Kol Haverim is a safe, welcoming, and sacred environment.

This values-based code of ethics sets forth the principles and expectations for our clergy, lay leaders, congregants, staff, visitors, and guests, whether participating in a Congregation activity in the building, online, or offsite. By committing to membership in our Kol Haverim community, each of us pledges to further our respectful, safe, welcoming, and inclusive congregation.

To continue reading the full length text of our Ethics Code and to learn how we will address ethics allegations, click here.