Today is February 13, 2025 -

Social Groups

A great way to get involved in our community is to join one of our chavurot, or social groups. A chavurah is a group of like-minded Kol Haverim members who come together to study, cook, play music, discuss books and enjoy so many other activities that enrich our Jewish life together. The word “chaver” means “friend” in Hebrew. Often the lifelong friendships formed by our community members begin within a chavurah. Our active groups are listed below.

Do you have an idea for a new social group? Contact Christine in the office at to find out how you can create a new chavurah for our community!

The Kol Haverim Book Club
An evening Book Club which currently meets via Zoom. At least 5 books are discussed throughout the year. The book club is open to all members. If interested, contact Joe Lantos at

The Bagels Rock Band
Glastonbury’s premier temple classic rock cover band! Jam-heavy, good music, great fun. Drop-ins welcome. Contact Nate Zaientz at for more information.

Honorable Menschen
The Honorable Menschen group was established as a social group for those 55 years of age and older. Its purpose is to plan and organize activities of a social nature. Contact Harriet Cutler at for more information.