Today is January 15, 2025 -

Fund Descriptions

See our Donate page to make an online contribution to any of the funds below.

General Fund – Provides support for operational needs and programs of the congregation,  under direction of Board of Trustees.

Endowment Fund – Creates long-term endowment for congregation, to provide financial stability over longer time period.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund – Use provided under Rabbi’s discretion and direction to appropriate resources, organizations and individuals.

Special Funds

Adult Education Fund – Provides support for Jewish adult and life-long learning.

Brotherhood – Provides programming, social and service opportunities for the men of Kol Haverim.

Building Reserve Fund – Supports maintenance and expansion of Temple property, both anticipated and emergency.  Used to fund capital improvement projects.

Caring Community Fund – Provides resources for volunteers who support and assist members of the congregation during times of sadness and joy.  Support may include meals, visits, transportation.

Connie Dembicer Camp Fund – Scholarship for second year campers that attend Crane Lake Camp or Camp Eisner.

Education Fund – Provides funding for programs and projects associated with the religious school.

Green Fund – Provides funding for energy-saving or environmental improvements to building and grounds.

Informal Youth Education Fund – Provides support for educational initiatives outside the classroom, managed by the Youth Committee.

Jewish Author Endowment Fund – Provides support for special programs to invite and promote Jewish authors.

Landscaping Fund – Provides for the beautification of the Temple grounds.

Library Fund – Provides funds for the purchase of books, which can be lent to members.

Music Fund – Enhances musical appreciation and enrichment for religious school, worship and other musical events.

Outreach Fund – Provides funding for programs and events that facilitate welcoming, engaging, educating and supporting the interfaith community within and outside of Kol Haverim.

Purim Shpiel Fund – Supports production of Kol Haverim’s annual Purim Shpiel (plays).

Ritual Arts Fund – Provides religious artifacts to beautify the building and sanctuary, and works in partnership with the Rabbi to provide for the ritual needs of our congregation.

Sisterhood – Provides programming, spiritual and social opportunities for the women of Kol Haverim.

Social Action Fund – Provides support for the Social Justice committee to meet needs of the outside community (i.e., soup kitchen, literacy volunteers, blood drive, etc.).

Technology Fund – Provides support for the growing and changing technological requirements of the congregation.

Youth Group Fund – Provides support, activities, and oversight for our Junior and Senior Temple youth groups.

Youth Scholarship Fund – Provides support for youth to attend Jewish camps and Jewish learning experiences.