Today is May 5, 2024 -

Meet Our Professional Staff

We are very fortunate to have a devoted, hard working and caring professional staff. Please take the time to recognize their efforts when you see them!

Temple Administrator

Christine Carlson
(860) 633-3966, Extension 2

Christine began her employment at Congregation Kol Haverim in March 2019. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact her with any questions or concerns. She’s always happy to help you, or direct you to the right resources. Her normal hours are Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 4:00 PM, with a break for lunch from 12:30 to 1:00. She is also in the office on Sunday mornings when Religious School is in session, from 9 to 11:30 AM.

If you don’t find her there, please leave a message by voicemail or email and she will get back to you.

Director of Education

Elaine Manno

Shalom!  My name is Elaine Manno and I am so excited to be joining the Kol Haverim community as your new Director of Education. My family and I are recent transplants to Connecticut from California. I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. My Jewish connection has always been strong. In one way or another, I have been involved in my community since a young age with my first job being a madricha (teacher aide) at my congregation.  My connection to the community and curiosity to learn more led me to earn a degree in Modern Jewish Studies from San Francisco State University. While I continued to teach religious school post college, I also worked 10+ years for a major bank, developing management, administrative, and client relationship skills.

In 2017 I became the Director of Religious School and Family Programming & Outreach for Congregation B’nai Shalom in Walnut Creek, CA. My personal and professional goals in the Jewish community have always centered around connection by way of quality education and engaging programming. During my tenure at B’nai Shalom, I restructured the school schedule and curriculum to ensure our school’s goals were being met through thoughtful and meaningful learning opportunities. I brought extensive inclusion training and support to our staff to ensure that all of our learners got what they needed to be successful in our classrooms.  I successfully started a monthly Pre-K program, bridging our families from preschool to religious school. I started a monthly youth group program for 3rd-7th grade students, allowing for a deepened social connection with peers. In collaboration with local congregations, the CCJCC, and other local organizations, I worked on community-wide programs celebrating Hanukkah, Purim, and Yom Ha’atzmaut.

I can’t wait to get started to make this coming school year wonderful! I always have an open door and welcome you to stop by and say hi and introduce yourself.

I’m looking forward to getting to know the Kol Haverim community and for you to get to know me, my husband Tom, and my two sons, Luca and Mikey.